The Atom editor from Github is my editor of choice. Below are the packages I currently use and why I currently use them. Note: I try to keep my packages to a minimum that way:

  1. I am not totally lost when using someone else’s computer or setting up a new dev environment.
  2. Personally I can sink an amazing amount of time into looking up new packages to try and improve my current setup taking me away from dev time.

Though now I am looking to create some kind of optimum atom setup so that we can quickly get new devs spun up at work that use Atom.


  1. platformio-ide-terminal
    • I use this to make Atom more like an IDE to run things like webpack and npm.
  2. emmet
    • The main reason I use this is so I can type div.xs-col-12 and get <div class="xs-col-12"></div>
  3. pigments
    • Awesome for picking out colors or creating new ones with things like the lighten function
  4. tabs-to-spaces
    • Helps with formatting and like the name says toggling between tabs and spaces
  5. pretty-json
    • Crucial for quickly formatting JSON.